Hi! I’m Tae, a Computer Engineering student minoring in Robotics at Northeastern University. My interest lies in the design and development of autonomous driving systems for vehicles and mobile robots using the techniques such as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), Computer Vision, and AI/ML. Innovation that self-driving cars and intelligent robots will bring in the future is what intrigues and drives me to pursue a career in this research and industry area.
Autonomous driving technology requires a wide range of understandings of Electronics, Mathematics, Computer/Software Engineering, and Mechanical Engieering. Sensors such as camera, LiDAR, radar, and sonar are employed to detect surroundings and create a map. Additional sensors such as IMU and wheel encoder can improve accuracy in creating the map and localization within it. In order to process the sensor data and estimate poses, linear algebra operations, multiple view geomtery, and probablistic and statistical inference are entailed. Based on this mathematical model, efficient path planning is implemented to navigate. Then, the path following is peformed by control systems that ensures accuracy and robustness. Lastly, programming skills and computer applications are what actually deploy the entire autonomous driving system to the real world.
I am especially fascinated by solving the SLAM problem in an unknown environment which can be functional to achieve various accomplishments such as self-driving cars and tranportation, search and rescue, autonomous delivery, and space exploration. The roadmaps below present my milestones to become a compotent Visual SLAM engineer. Feel free to check out further details of my work in this website!